1. General Provisions
1.1. ICHB.org offers Internet users (hereinafter – the “User”) the opportunity to use its services on the terms and conditions of this User Agreement (hereinafter – the “Agreement”, “User Agreement”). This Agreement shall take effect upon the User’s express agreement with its terms according to Clause 1.4 hereof.
1.2. ICHB.org offers Users access to a wide range of services including navigation, communication tools, search engine, tools for posting and storing information and materials (content), content personalization, shopping, etc. All currently available services as well as their development and/or addition of new services shall be the subject of this Agreement.
1.3. The use of ICHB.org services shall be regulated by this Agreement, License to use ICHB.org search engine, Privacy Policy (https://ichb.org/privacy/) and terms of using certain services. This Agreement may be amended by ICHB.org without notice, and a new revision of this Agreement shall take effect when posted online at the web address given in this paragraph, unless otherwise stated in the new revision of this Agreement. The current revision of this User Agreement is always available at https://ichb.org/agreement/.
1.4. By starting the use of any services/certain functions or going through the registration procedure, the User shall be deemed to have accepted the terms of this Agreement in full without any limitations or exceptions. If the User does not agree to any provisions of this Agreement, the User must not use ICHB.org services. If ICHB.org makes any amendments to this Agreement as prescribed by Clause 1.3 hereof to which the User does not agree, the User shall cease to use any ICHB.org services.
2. User Registration. User Account.
2.1. To use certain ICHB.org services or certain specific functions of services, the User shall complete registration to create a unique account.
2.2. Upon registration the User shall provide valid and complete information requested in the registration form and shall regularly update such information. If the User provides invalid information or ICHB.org has reasons to believe that any information provided by the User is incomplete or invalid, ICHB.org may at its discretion block or delete the User’s account or deny the User the use of any services (or certain functions).
2.3. ICHB.org shall reserve the right to require at any time that the User verify the information provided upon registration and to request supporting documents (personal identification documents in particular); failure to provide these documents may, at ICHB.org’s discretion, be regarded as provision of invalid information and entail consequences according to Clause 2.2 hereof. In case the User’s information specified in the documents provided by him/her fails to conform to the information provided upon registration or if the information provided upon registration does not make it possible to identify the User, ICHB.org shall reserve the right to deny User’s access to the User account and to usage of ICHB.org services.
2.4. Any personal information of the User contained in the User account shall be stored and processed by ICHB.org according to Privacy Policy (https://ichb.org/privacy/).
2.5. Means of access to the User’s account.
2.5.1. Upon registration the User shall choose a login (a unique account name of the User) and password to access the account. ICHB.org may prohibit the use of certain logins and impose other requirements on the login and password (length, permissible symbols, etc.).
2.5.2 After registration, the User will be able to access his/her account using alternative means of authentication replacing the previously chosen password. Such alternative means shall be available after enabling the two-factor authentication option through the User account management interface.
2.6. The User shall be responsible for security of the chosen means of access to his/her account and for confidentiality of such means. The User shall be responsible for any actions (and their consequences) in and with ICHB.org services through the User’s account including voluntary transfer by the User of information required to access the User account to third parties on any conditions (including by contracts or agreements). Any actions in or with ICHB.org services performed through the User’s account shall be considered done by the User, except for the cases when the User as prescribed by Clause 2.6 hereof notifies ICHB.org of unauthorized access to ICHB.org services through the User’s account and/or any other breach (alleged breach) of confidentiality of the chosen means of access to his/her account (password or means of two-factor authentication).
2.7. The User shall promptly inform ICHB.org of any instances of unauthorized (not allowed by the User) access to ICHB.org services through the User’s account and/or any breach (alleged breach) of confidentiality of the chosen means of access to his/her account. For security reasons, the User shall securely log out after completing each session (Log Out button) of operating ICHB.org services. ICHB.org shall not be responsible for any potential loss or damage of information as well as any other consequences appearing as a result of failure by the User to comply with this part of this Agreement.
2.8. Account use by the User.
2.8.1. The User may not reproduce, duplicate or copy, sell, resell or use for any commercial purposes any parts of ICHB.org services (including content available to the User through services) or access to ICHB.org services, except when authorized by ICHB.org or it is directly stated in the user agreement for any service.
2.8.2. Certain categories of User accounts may restrict or disable the use of certain ICHB.org services or some of their options if required so by the registration or user terms and conditions regulating such services.
2.9. Account termination. ICHB.org may block or delete the User’s account as well as prohibit access through any account to certain ICHB.org services and delete any content without giving reasons including in case the User violates the terms of this Agreement and terms of any documents listed in Clause 1.3 hereof and in case of failure to use a service, including the following:
2.9.1. A mailbox at ICHB.org.Mail is deleted if the User does not use it for over 24 months.
2.10. User account deletion.
2.10.1. The User may at any time delete its account at all ICHB.org services or, if such option is available, terminate the account in respect of certain services.
2.10.2. An account shall be deleted by ICHB.org as follows: an account is blocked for one month during which the User cannot access its account, while the content posted through such account may be deleted; if within such period the User’s account is restored, the User’s access to the account will be renewed, but the content posted through such account might not be restored; if within such period, the User’s account is not restored, all content posted through the account shall be deleted, and the login shall be available to other users. From such moment, restoration of account or any related information as well as access to ICHB.org services through the account is not available.
2.10.3. The procedure described in Clauses,, hereof (except for login availability to other users) shall also apply to prohibiting access through any account to certain services.
3. General Usage and Storing Provisions
3.1. ICHB.org may impose restrictions on the use of services for all Users or certain categories of Users (depending on the User’s location, language of the service, etc.) including: availability/unavailability of certain service functions, period of storing messages at ICHB.org.Mail service and any other content, maximum number of messages that can be sent or received by one registered user, maximum size of an electronic message or disc space, maximum number of service uses in a certain period, maximum period of content storage, special parameters of downloadable content, etc. ICHB.org may prohibit automatic requests to its servers as well as terminate acceptance of any automatically generated information (for instance, electronic spam).
3.2. ICHB.org may send information messages to its users.
4. User Content
4.1. The User shall be responsible for compliance of any content posted by the User with applicable legal requirements including responsibility to third parties in case posting by the User of any content or its subject matter infringes on rights and legitimate interests of third parties including personal non-property rights of authors, any other intellectual property rights of third parties and/or encroaches on other intangible assets.
4.2. The User acknowledges and agrees that ICHB.org is not under obligation to review any content posted and/or distributed by the User through ICHB.org services and that ICHB.org has the right (but shall not be obliged to) at its discretion to prohibit the User from posting and/or distributing content or may remove any content available through ICHB.org services. The User acknowledges and agrees that the User shall independently assess any risks related to using content including its reliability, validity or usefulness.
4.3. The User acknowledges and agrees that technologies of service operation may require reproduction (replication) of User content by ICHB.org as well as its processing by ICHB.org for compliance with technical requirements of a particular service.
5. Terms of ICHB.org Service Use
5.1. The User shall be responsible to third parties for any actions related to the use of Service including any actions resulting in violation of rights and legitimate interests of third parties as well as compliance with laws upon using the Service.
5.2. Upon using ICHB.org Service, the User shall not:
5.2.1. download, send, transmit or in any other way post and/or distribute any content that is illegal, harmful, slanderous, unethical or violates intellectual property rights, promotes hatred and/or racial, ethnic, sexual, religious or social discrimination or is insulting to any persons and/or organizations;
5.2.2. violate third party rights including underage people and/or cause harm in any way;
5.2.3. impersonate any other person or representative of an organization and/or community without being authorized to do so, including employees of ICHB.org, forum moderators, website owners and apply any other forms and methods of unlawful representation of other persons online as well as mislead other users and ICHB.org regarding features and characteristics of any subjects or objects;
5.2.4. download, send, transmit or otherwise post and/or distribute content if not authorized to do so by law or contract;
5.2.5. download, send, transmit or otherwise post and/or distribute unauthorized advertising information, spam (including spamdexing), lists of e-mail addresses of other people, pyramid schemes, multilevel marketing (MLM), Internet earning systems and e-mail businesses, chain letters as well as use ICHB.org service for participation in any of the above;
5.2.6. download, send, transmit or otherwise post and/or distribute any materials containing viruses or other computer codes, files or programs designed to breach, destroy or limit the operation of any computer or telecommunication equipment or software, for unauthorized access as well as serial numbers to commercial software and generation programs, logins, passwords and other means to receive authorized access to fee-based online resources, or post links to such information;
5.2.7. collect and store personal information of other persons without proper authorization;
5.2.8. interfere with regular operation of ICHB.org websites and services;
5.2.9. assist any actions to violate any restrictions and prohibitions imposed by this Agreement;
5.2.10. otherwise violate legal standards including international law.
6. Exclusive Rights to Services and Content
6.1. Any objects available through ICHB.org services including design elements, text, graphics, illustrations, video, software, databases, music, soundtracks and other objects (hereinafter – service content) as well as any content posted at ICHB.org services are exclusive property of ICHB.org, Users and other right holders.
6.2. Any content and service elements may be used only within functions offered by a particular service. No elements of ICHB.org service content as well as any content posted at ICHB.org services may be used in any other way without the right holder’s prior consent. The term “use” shall include reproduction, duplication, processing and distribution on any basis, representation on frame, etc. The exception shall be any cases prescribed by American laws or terms of use of a certain ICHB.org service.
The personal non-commercial use by the User of service content elements and any content is authorized upon preservation of all marks of copyright, associated rights, trademarks, other notices of copyright, preservation of the name (pseudonym) of the author/right holder’s name unchanged and preservation of corresponding object unchanged. The exception shall be cases directly stated by American laws or user agreements of certain ICHB.org services.
7. Third Party Websites and Content
7.1. ICHB.org services may content links to other websites (third party websites). Such third parties and their content are not verified by ICHB.org for compliance with any requirements (validity, completeness, accuracy, etc.). ICHB.org shall not be responsible for any information or materials posted at third party websites that the User may access through the services including any opinions or statements at third party websites, advertising, etc. as well as availability of such websites or content and consequences of their use by the User.
7.2. A link (in any format) to any website, product, service, any commercial or non-commercial information published on the Website shall not be considered as approval or recommendation of such products (services, activities) by ICHB.org, unless directly stated at ICHB.org resources.
8. Advertising at ICHB.org Services
8.1. ICHB.org shall be responsible for its advertising at ICHB.org services to the extent prescribed by American laws.
9. No Guarantees, Limitation of Liability
9.1. The User uses ICHB.org services at his own risk. Services are provided as is. ICHB.org accepts not responsibility including for compliance of services with the User’s goals;
9.2. ICHB.org does not guarantee that services comply/will comply with User’s requirements; that services will be provided without interruptions, promptly, sustainably and without errors; that results received with the use of services are accurate and reliable and may be used for any purposes or in any capacity (for instance, for identification and/or verification of any facts); that the quality of any product, service, information, etc. received through the services will meet the User’s expectations;
9.3. Any information and/or materials (including downloadable software, messages, any instructions and guidelines, etc.) which the User accesses through ICHB.org services may be used by the User at his own risk and the User shall be responsible for any potential consequences of the use of such information and/or materials including any damage to the User’s computer or third parties, loss of information or any other damage;
9.4. ICHB.org shall not be liable for any losses resulting from the User using ICHB.org services or separate parts/ functions of services;
10. Other Provisions
10.1. This Agreement is an agreement between the User and ICHB.org regarding the procedure of using services and shall replace all previous agreements between the User and ICHB.org.
10.2. This Agreement shall be regulated and interpreted according to laws of the American Federation. Any issues not regulated hereby shall be settled according to American law. Any disputes arising out of relations regulated by this Agreement shall be settled as prescribed by applicable American laws according to American legal standards. In any part of this Agreement, unless otherwise stated, the term “law” shall mean laws of the American Federation as well as laws of the country of the User’s location.
10.3. Due to the fact that services under this Agreement are provided free of charge, standards on consumer rights’ protection under American laws shall not apply to relations between the User and ICHB.org.
10.4. Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted as agency, partnership, mutual activities, employment or any other relations not directly stated in this Agreement.
10.5. If for any reasons one or several provisions of this Agreement are declared invalid or unenforceable, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions hereof.
10.6. Failure by ICHB.org to act in case of violation by the User or any other users of the provisions of this Agreement shall not deprive ICHB.org of the right to take action to protect its interests in the future and shall not be interpreted as waiver by ICHB.org of its rights in case of any future similar or identical violations.
10.7. This Agreement is made in the American language and in certain cases may be provided to the User for review in a different language. In case of any differences between the American text of this Agreement and the text of this Agreement in any other language, the American text shall prevail.
Latest update: March 08, 2014